When you are preparing for a legal divorce, there are some matters that you might not think through completely. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced family lawyer on your sides such as those at Cordell and Cordell.
The following are common issues you’ll want to talk to your attorney about:
Property Issues
This includes the equity involved in your homestead or other real property, business assets, professional degrees and practices, home furnishings, savings accounts, and retirement benefits among other things. You’ll want to know what’s within your rights to request in terms of property that you may or may not legally share.
Issues Related to Children
Child support, custody (legal and physical), visitation with the non-custodial parent, visitation with other family members, insurance for the children, life insurance held by the parent(s), education, and religious participation are only some of the matters you may go over with your divorce lawyer regarding your children.
Spousal Support Issues
You should figure out if one of you will receive spousal support, the amount of support, and how long this will be in place. Another part of this is if insurance coverage will continue for the spouse who has been covered during marriage.
Miscellaneous Issues
Other important issues to bring up with your attorney include domestic violence, order for protection, child abuse, changing your name after the divorce is finalized, and the potential amount of the attorney’s fees and expenses. Be upfront about anything and everything that could affect the divorce proceedings and the details of what comes afterward.
Some men might want the assistance of a legal team that will understand what men, especially fathers, could be up against during a divorce. Cordell and Cordell lawyers will provide you with compassionate legal services that will give you the best possible chance of getting what you request.